Friday, November 28, 2008


"Perculiar People" ?

So, the church I go to used a have vision statement which said that everyone in the church were 'a perculiar people'.

As a teenager, when I first started going to my church, I was quite happy to stand out from the crowd, to be different and to say the things that I knew would separate me out from other people. In essence, I was chuffed to be considered 'perculiar' as the gift from God that went along with that title (eternal life) seemed a pretty fair trade off!

However, as I've grown and been to Uni and had a few years in the 'real world', I've wanted to be accepted and integrate myself into those new areas that I've been faced with. I didn't want to be considered as a perculiar, or a strange, or a weird person anymore.

I think in some respects, I thought that if I could be more like those people, I could relate to them better and so have a greater chance of bringing the Gospel to them.

However, in doing so, I've diluted myself down and forgotten what makes me, 'Me'.

Maybe the time is coming for me to turn the corner. For me to remember what it means to stand out and to be different. Not for the sake of being different, but different because of what's at stake. Different because it's the right thing to do. Different because the truth is in me.

I've been hitting who I am because I've been trying to fit in. To not be considered weird.

And I'm not weird. I'm just in truth.

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