Monday, July 31, 2006


Youth Holiday 2006

Unlike last year I'm not going to run through each day cos it's takes too long and is probably a bit boring. So I'll try and remember the best bits.

And below are the best of the best quotes:

  1. While lying on the beach some random guy from the camp fire (above) came over to us to ask us if we wanted to sit round with them. And after trying to persuade us to come over for about a minute, Nig asks:

Nig: Is that you Andy?

2. Ryan managed to be find himself a nice girl (not without help from us) and was chatting to her on the beach when Luke Green walked over. It turns out that Ryan's girl didn't exactly find Luke to be the most charming of people and so told Ryan which of course we passed on to Luke:

Us: She said she didn't really like you, Luke.

Luke: Well. I hated her accent anyway. It got on my nerves and I was only over there for 2 minutes.

Us: But you'd like to go out with her if you got the chance wouldn't you?

Luke: No! I'd never go out with a Brummie!

Us: Erm. You DO go out with a Brummie.

3. Me and the Norm had to travel back to Bristol on Tuesday and so popped round his house. His mum wasn't there though.

Tom: What does you mum do?

Andy: L. S. D.

(I'd like to point out that he meant LSA (Learning Support Assistant) just in case you did think she did LSD's) :P

4. And the best till last:

While we were pranking Ryan's phone and meant in all innocence (I hope)!

He of the Ten Shampoo's: Tom. Do you, err, want to go in the bedroom to get changed and I'll be there in a minute?

Funny. :)

Saturday, July 29, 2006


It's all over...

And I'm a bit bored.

But I'm home alone at the moment and it's so nice to actually have time to myself.

Friday, July 21, 2006


7 Hours to Go

And I should be in bed.

Cya next week!


12 1/2 Hours to Go...


Fashion Sense?

I was walking around town on my lemon today (I know, loner!) and saw quite a large person on my travels.

However, I do think if you are larger than many, it's not a good idea to walk around town with a t-shirt that says, "Titanic" on it.

Made me giggle. :P

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Alright. I'll admit.

It is sooo hot!!!!

"I'm melting....


Oh what a world!"


It's not that hot

It's not the hottest day for 100 years.

That was in August 2003 (when I was in hospital) GRRRRrrrrrr.

(which would explain the state some people saw me in!)

But it's the hottest day in July for 100 years. Time to go in the garden then! :D


You learn something new everyday...

I hate goodbyes.

And I don't think it's because I'm nesessarily sad to see people go or to go myself (although it usually is) but because everything that is said feels so cliche'd.

So maybe I don't hate goodbyes.

Maybe I hate cliches.

I also hate it when you have a leaving do so have to draw the line of who you invite and who you don't meaning that someone always feels left out.

Goodbyes = Stress

(It was my last day at work (AXA) today btw)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Result: Part II

In what has now become a yearly tradition, here is my overall %age for my 2nd year at Uni.



After being told last year that the only people to get over 80% were girls, I thought I'd try my best to score some points for the blokes.

Praise God.

Thursday, July 13, 2006



1) a) Of definite shape and volume; not liquid or gaseous.
.....b) Firm or compact in substance.
2) Not hollowed out: a solid block of wood.
3) Being the same substance or color throughout: solid gold.
4) Mathematics. Of or relating to three-dimensional geometric figures or bodies.
5) Having no gaps or breaks; continuous: a solid line of people.
6) Of good quality and substance: a solid foundation.
7) Substantial; hearty: a solid meal.
8) Sound; reliable: solid facts.
9) Financially sound.
10) Upstanding and dependable: a solid citizen.
11) Written without a hyphen or space. For example, the word software is a solid compound.
12) Printing. Having no leads between the lines.
13) Acting together; unanimous: a solid voting bloc.
14) Slang. Excellent; first-rate.

1) A substance having a definite shape and volume; one that is neither liquid nor gaseous.
2) Mathematics. A geometric figure having three dimensions.

1) As a whole; unanimously: The committee voted solid for the challenger.
2) Without a break or opening; completely or continuously: The theater was booked solid for a month.

They left off:

Big D

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


A week in the life of:

One Wedding.

One birth.

One proposal.

One Park Event.

One 1st.

One last week before leaving work.

One work leaving do booked at TGI's.

One holiday booked.

Two holidays paid for.

Four trips to the cinema.

One sweepstake won.

Zero giggidy.



There's no beating around the bush here. Is there?

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


My Life... In a Poem!

Now this is a story, all about how my life got flipped, turned upside-down,
And I'd like to take a minute,
So just sit right there,
I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air

In West Philadelphia, born and raised,
On the playground is where Ii spent most of my days
Chillin out, maxin', relaxin' all cool,
And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school
When a couple of guys, who were up to no good, Started makin' trouble in my neighborhood,
I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
She said 'You're movin with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air!'

I begged and pleeded with day after day
But she packed my suitcase and sent me on my way
She gave me a kiss
And then she gave me my ticket
I put my Walkman on and said 'Might as well kick it!'

First class Yo this is bad
Drinkin orange juice out of a champaine glass
Is this what the people in Bel-Air livin like?
Hmm...this might be alright
But wait I hear the prissy,
Bushwa and all that
Is this the kind of place that they just send this cool cat?
I don't think so I'll see when I get there
I hope they're prepared for the Prince of Bel-Air!

Well I, The plane landed and when I came out
There was a dude, looked like a cop, standin there with my name out
I ain't tryin to get arrested yet I just got here
I sprang with the quickness and like lightening dissappeared

I whistled for a cab and when it came near
The license plate said 'Fresh' And had dice in the mirror
If anything I could say that this cab was rare
But I thought 'Nah, forget it - Yo, home to Bel-Air!'

I pulled up to a house about seven or eight,
I yelled to the cabbie 'Yo home, smell ya later!'
I looked at my kingdom, I was finally there!
To sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air!

Or was that the Fresh Prince's?

Sunday, July 09, 2006


Come on the Italians!!!

I had Italy in the sweeps at work.

So I win :D

I have to admit though that I did cheat in order to get them. I prayed before I picked the team out which obviously because no one else would've gives me an unfair advantage :)

But me and God made a bargain that He would get most of the cash if I won...

If only everyone put a tenner in. I'd have £160 if we did!


Germany 3 : 1 Portugal

Never thought I'd say this but,

Thanks Germany. I'm glad you won.

Thursday, July 06, 2006


And it's a Goal

He shoots...

He scores!

Sunday, July 02, 2006


You Read It? You Comment

Ah go on, go on, go on, go on.

Leave me some sugar. :)



Flippin' Ricardo.

(For some reason I'm not actually that bothered about England going out. Probably because Argentina and Brazil both went out as well!)

And also because yesterday was just a great day anyway!

Congrates to the cheerful couple. ;)


Fat Head!

Tom: I'm not going to be able to fit through those doors soon. My head will be too big.

Jen: Don't worry. I'll bring you back down to size with a bump.

Tom: *thinks* Yeah. You do that every Monday night anyway. :(

Jen: Aww. No I don't.

Phil: Yeah. It's every other Monday now!

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