Saturday, May 27, 2006


Oh. Almost forgot

Can I just thank the (slightly entoxicated) guy who laid down in the middle of Gloucester Road on Wednesday afternoon in front of a bus and a huge lorry much to the annoyance of the drivers.

You gave me much needed laughter.


Curious By Design 'Myspace'

To all those people who ever happen to stumble across this blog and think that I am shamelessly plugging mine, his, his, his and Mark's bands myspace.

I am.

Go see. :)


Exams = Stress

I was completely stressed out of my mind this week.

So much so that I felt like throwing up at one point.

4 (3 hour) exams in the space of 7 days took their toll.

I would like to thank God for helping me to not cave. Thanks to all the people who prayed for me, and thanks to my right wrist for managing to hold up to 9 hours worth of writing over Weds, Thurs and Fri (1 exam on each of those days).
(this sounds a bit like an acceptance speech doesn't it? Someone pass me a hanky)

I would also like to take the time to apologise to my eyes for not giving them enough rest, my brain for cramming it so full of rubbish it felt like it was gonna burst and to my stomach for keeping it empty for so long...

And also to my wrist, which still hurts...

I did still manage to watch the final episodes of 24 and Lost though! And all I can say is -

"My, oh my!!!!"

Thursday, May 25, 2006



I think this is the best song ever.

(Planet Earth music)

Monday, May 22, 2006


"I can only Imogen"

So Big Brother is back.

And we have a winner!

Na. Not really.

I'll try to stay away from Big Brothers grasp this year...

But I know I'll probably give in soon enough.

Friday, May 19, 2006


Is it a bird?

Is it a plane?


It's a BIG plane.

Managed to snap these yesterday as the worlds biggest plane flew near my house on one of its passes. It was surprisingly quiet!

It flew directly over my house on another pass. Was very low and very hooooge.


Things are better when they're free

Like for example:

Shame the film was so confusing.

Guess I'll have to go and watch it again sometime.

Sunday, May 14, 2006


Bird Spotting

On Saturday morning, I decided I'd go in my garden and do some bird spotting.


The World According To Radio 1

Listening in the car at about 1pm.

1st Presenter: Which brings to mind a very topically story about the 12 year old who is pregnant.

2nd Presenter: So don't forget that there are free condoms down here.

1st Presenter: Yes. It couldn't be easier.

Erm. Hello?

There is so much wrong with this.

Friday, May 12, 2006



Do they like something about my headlights?

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Come to think of it...

Even though the Royal Mail do send stupid letters, at least it proves they can deliver stuff.

Maybe it was a 'test' letter to improve my faith in their 'hand delivering abilities'.

I'm guessing if I were to open the letter it would say something like:

"See! See! We can do it!
You do get all your post, and this pointless letter proves it!"


You learn something new every day...

A letter came this morning saying:

"This letter has been hand delivered by The Royal Mail"

I didn't know letter were delivered by hand.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Scientific Abbreviations

You know how science loves to abbreviate everything.

HIV etc...

Well, I'm revising at the moment and found one called, KFERQ. It's basically a protein sequence which marks worn out proteins for destruction in case anyone wanted to know.

But I don't think I will ever forget that abbreviation...

Read 'FER' as fur and you'll see why.

Saturday, May 06, 2006




I WANT: a Ferrari

I WISH: I could afford one

I HATE: Marmite

I MISS: the Sun

I HEAR: typing

I WONDER: what Heaven will be like

I REGRET: all those things I regret

I AM NOT: looking forward to my exams

I DANCE: I do?

SING: loudly

I CRY: rarely


I MAKE: good teas and hot chocolates

I WRITE: songs

I CONFUSE: happy hair vinyl (confused you didn't it?)

I NEED: nothing. Well, that's only cos I got great friends around me already

I SHOULD: get back to revision

I START: to stress around this time

I FINISH: when everything is completed

Friday, May 05, 2006




I found this while reading through blogs. It made me think... well, I tried to think anyway.

"I have this great coffee table book, The Mystery of Time, that I pick up and thumb through every so often. It's a gorgeous, over-sized book that examines time itself, which people often measure with watches and clocks, but on a more fundamental level is something that may not even exist.

All of this fascinates me to no end.

Think about time. We can't see it, hear it or touch it, but we all believe it's there. This invisible force that allows us to perceive the past, present and future. But how the hell do you define time? It is not a constant. It's relative, according to Einstein. Picture two people born at the same time. One person travels faster than the speed of light and the other doesn't. Theoretically, the person who travels faster than light will age less than a person who doesn't. Significantly less. As in, one person could remain young while the other grows old.

We can see this theory in effect, even if only barely. Place two accurate clocks on two separate aircrafts flying in opposite directtions around the world and they will return showing very slightly different times. Which time is right? Both. So how can you ever really measure it?

Also, time does not pass -- things change. The sun rises and sets and we set our watches to it. That is our definition of time. But imagine you existed in a void. You and nothing else. Would there be any way to measure time? I think not.

People refer to time as the fourth dimension. I don't claim to know even half of what I should on the subject, but it intrigues me. Can someone more versed here fill me in? What is the general theory by physicists about the way in which time flows? Does time bend, as some have suggested? Light moves. It travels. The star light we see today has travelled through space for millions of years before reaching us. But does time move? Or is it just there? And if it's just there, how can we ever hope to travel through or to it?"

Thursday, May 04, 2006


World Record

Today, I got from Nig's house to my house in 9 minutes.

And I had to wait at lights for 2 minutes.

Desperate Housewives was calling me. Generally it takes me about 10-15 minutes.

But I was being careful, I promise!


100% Record

I have a 100% record in Risk this year. It helps that I've only played once so far.

I miss Risk.

We should organise a Risk games night. Who's up for it?

Bring it! :D




Yeah. I rock. :)

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