Thursday, November 04, 2004


Back By Popular Demand...

... unlike Bush mind you (boooo! - you can't say that) Whoops.

But seriously. I've had an entire two people on my case constantly the past week to update this thing with something interesting...

Here goes. Fingers crossed.

So the other day I was telling my friend Brian (aka Brain) about my blog and someone had let slip that she was actually part of my blog (not me - someone called Tristan shall we say?) and that I had aptly named her a different name. She wasn't annoyed, except with the fact that I had't refered to her as, and I quote "Mrs Densel Washington".

So from now on, Brian will be known as Mrs Densel Washington. Got that? It's something to do with some sort of crazy fantasy she has or something.

Well, I s'pose I have to update the car situation. Bri... sorry, Mrs Densel Washington had actually lost a valve cap. There, that's updated.

I had two Tuesday nites of Bible school, on seperate Tuesday's, which wud make sense, and they were about Women in Ministry. Being a bloke, you wud think that I wouldn't be interested at all, but I knew that there'd be tension breaking out at some points. I knew at least one man wud claim that women shouldn't do anything in church, even if they were only saying it to annoy some of the ladies. But no! Everyone in our group is nice. One person was muttering some stuff under his breathe and sometimes out loud to see if any of the women would bite, but his comments (lets call him Michelle) weren't serious at all and weren't actually that bad anyway, plus he made them laugh as well! When asked what problems might arise with women who are in a place of ministry, one of the comments from a certain Mr Fryer was that they might get pregnant.

He claimed to not mean it in a sexist way and he didn't. But it was funny, cos it is true.

What else... err, I almost hit an old woman in a driving lesson...
I've got my old job back, as a part timer, which is nice, cos it means I have some income as a student.

Me and Shaneen have started practising for a wedding song "Oh Holy Night" that we are doing at someones wedding, surprisingly.

Actually, it's not a wedding song. It's an Xmas carol.

She has to sing the rock hard harmony and all I do is the easy tune. It took Jen (pregnant woman in ministry) about 1 hour to figure out who was going to sing what parts and in what key though, cos our voices are crap to mix together. Alto's and tenor's don't work!

Tomoz I'm off to the opticians cos I'm blind and I've almost run out of contacts. Then I'm meeting up with Tim and Mr Fryer to practise a song. 'Free' by Hillsongs.


Wow, two whole people? You must have a popular blog.

I'm still going to call Brian 'Brian'. I think it's great, but "Michelle" is better..LoL. Classic.

Oh, I didn't "let slip" to "Brian". I told her deliberately to try and see her "I'm-eating-my-own-mouth-and-look-like-an-alien-baring-its-teeth" look.
Yeah. I only ever get 2 peeps reading this, and even then, it's only when I've told them that I've updated it!

I think Brian (aka, Mrs Denzel Washington) is funnier than Michelle btw.

*Through gritted teeth* "I'm not crazy..."
I read it -- but I never know what you're going on about, mainly because I don't know who you are.
Your life sounds much more exciting than mine though -- congratulations
Na. It's all lies really.

I'm really Tom the hermit and I live in a sea shell.

Sea shells are great for catching fish
(And logging onto the internet)
i think that living in a log would be better for logging onto the net...

ooh. theres an idea... hollow out a tree and live in it
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