Tuesday, February 08, 2005


Wow. Uni can be fun

Because of the apparent 'shock to the system' many people seemed to have aquired from reading my last blog, it reminded me of something we did in Uni yesterday.

Let me set the scene for you. The course is Human Physiology, the practical was to do with motor neurons and the method involved electricity. Oh yes. We got to electrocute each other!

We had to measure reaction time from applying the stimulus to when the muscle moved. I had quite fast reaction times compared to other people, all thoughthis might be to do with the fact that I did turn the voltage up to 90V when it should've been on around 50V... the muscle we testing on was actually the one on your hand that moves your little finger in and out. When I put the voltage up to 90V my entire arm moved out!

Killing people with electricity in Uni. :)

Oh, that reminds me of something else. I played Killer at Uni yesterday (pool) and won both games! I knew I should've put a £10 down cos then I'd be £50 richer. In fact, I knew I should've put £100 down then I'd be £500 richer... In fact... etc etc...

Gambling is bad mmkay. Although my Itbox addiction is under control. I only put in about £2 a week now. Yes, yes. I know it's £100 a year but it is actually really good at passing the time, and one day, one day soon, I will win the jackpot on Cluedo. And then I'll stop... for a while.


Today was also quite fun at Uni. We got to analyse our DNA. I found out that I don't have any trace of a certain gene which put me in the minority. Whatever. I'm already in the minority!

I'm probably going to go and eat now, and hopefully T will txt me back telling me I can come to the cinema as long as I can organise a lift.

I want a car, and I want one now.
(Every single time I went to spell 'now' in that blog, I put 'know' first?)


i just knew if i looked back you'd have posted again - im so connected!!
Heh, heh - I knew that you'd posted again because you told me while we were waiting to get tickets at the cinema.
I knew I'd posted again because I clicked on 'Publish new post'
You need to update this.
Ta for comment on my blog :)
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