Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Day Numero Sei

Day 6:
Man. I didn’t feel good. Before I’d gotten up, I’d already woken up 3 or 4 times in the night feeling rough. I forced myself to get up hoping that I’d feel better after walking around for a bit. No luck. I ate 2 pieces of toast for breakfast. Everyone was really supportive. Christine forced me to have some Resolve (drugs, not the attitude). Heh. It tasted nice and it made me feel a bit better. We got on the minibus to go to our first school of the day in a place called Timonue. Not sure if that’s spelt right. God must have a sense of humour though because we had to travel on the world’s bumpiest road to get there! I felt well enough to get involved in the ministry (just about) and afterwards, Sat made a plea to people who wanted to become Christians and around half of the kids stayed behind! (70 people roughly). Sat made it clear though that it’s for people who wanted to accept Jesus for the first time and 18 people step up. The other 50 odd had either backslidden, wanted prayer, or wanted more knowledge. Me, Andy and Anne went with the 18. Andy does the sinners prayer (there was no way I felt confident enough to do it) and it was amazing how they all repeated what Andy was saying. Afterwards, we prayed for each of them individually. I prayed for about 5 or 6 and it was fantastic. They all closed their eyes and I made sure to talk clearly and slowly.

I met a few of the other 50 afterwards, and I was feeling quite rough by then. I still found it well difficult to understand what they were asking me, too! We had a few pictures with the teachers and I made myself smile. We were told that we needed to go – I wasn’t looking forward to this journey. As we head off Sat asked me, ‘Are you feeling nauseous?’ I was feeling very achy, but not like being sick. However, after 30 minutes on a bumpy road, I felt it coming on . I got Sat to stop the minibus, jumped out of the side door, ran around the back of the minibus, almost got my leg taken off by a bike, legged it round the back of a shop and let rip. Nasty. I felt so much better afterwards though.

They guys had egg chapattis for lunch. ‘Better not risk those’ I thought and as they were eating I was trying my hardest not to nod off. Eventually, they went off to Luwero Girls School and I slept. They got back and I couldn’t sleep anymore. They were so noisy! I stayed in bed until dinner at around 7ish.

During my time in bed, Maz and Loz dressed up as oranges (orange poncho’s at least) and were asking if they could show me because ‘It’s really funny’. And they were right. It was! After that, Sat had about, what sounded like 50 people (probably 5) in the room next to me. They were loud, man. I also had my phone alarm going off in my ear. I could’ve turned it off but I didn’t want to miss dinner. I felt much better by dinnertime but I only ate rice. I didn’t trust the food anymore. Huge lumps of matokoe from last night were in my sick.
After dinner we had some fellowship with some of the Ugandan’s. We even got around to teaching them the Animal Game with hilarious results. John and Jimmy Kwunda also gave us a bit of a concert with a stringed instrument. They were really good. We finished off with a time of prayer and worship and headed off to bed. However, because I wasn’t at the school in the afternoon, the guys filled me in on what had happened. You know the only reason I’m mentioning this is because something went wrong! Basically, the guys did ‘Lean on Me’ and even though I wasn’t there to do my part, none of the guys noticed… until the very end bit that was, where Sat came in and just blagged it! It also had tipped down with rain all day. It started just after Sat had finished preaching at the Girls School and it didn’t really stop. Fantastic lightning storm too!

Ack but you'd been doing soooo well!! Now back to the Uganda diary :(
It's making me homesick ya know. I can't believe you got so sick :s I had one day of Africa-induced sickness in 6 months!!!!
You think it's nasty to throw up matooke ... try throwing up rice and beans ... Mmmm ... not so nice.
Have you got photos????? (not of u bein sick...cos that's just ... well, that's just sick!!!). I wanna see photos!!!! I have over 600!!!!
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