Monday, May 02, 2005


Oh Mandy, You came and You gave without taking

What has that title got to do with any of this blog?

Nothing actually.

So... an update. As all my fellow readers are aware, for the past few months (ie: posts) I've been talking about my car/s a lot.

To sum up. Boy borrows friends car. Gives it back. Boy buys car. Crashes it. Boy gets insurance to pay out for written off car.

So I should be getting a nice settlement check coming thru soon, which will go on another car! I have been searching the past couple of weeks, but so far they're all too expensive and not as good as mine was.

What else is new?

Lis. Yes, it's taken a while (6 weeks) but I've finally gotten used to her and T going out. Probably cos I feel like I know her quite well now. She might disagree... who knows? Obviously not me, if I don't know her very well :)

But yeah. She's cool.

What else? Maria is just Maria, or maybe Brian (btw, all these people have blogs, I just don't know how to link to them in the post!) Loz is fab x, T is happy! He's not quite at the cheery stage yet. ;)

Maybe not for a while. Watch this space (end private joke)

Yes, we sang the lyrics "Cos I'm so happy" - from the Happy Song, at church yesterday morning. *Shudder*

It's a good song until that bit!

I have exams in 3 weeks.
I really need to start revising for those soon, or it will be messy.

I think that covers most things. Now on to my weekend.

Lis and T have been doing naughty things. These naughty things however are not what you may assume. You should never ASSUME! In fact, these naughty things involve me.

You see, they are playing Cilla, together. With my fragile heart.

At first it was funny and I took no notice. I'm not one of these people who go crazy about not having a girl friend. If there's no one I like, then that's fine by me.

But these two have been dropping little hints here and there about 'Dani' (not here real name btw, and I would use a man's name for a women like usual, but she may read this blog one day!)
Anyway. At first I didn't really care. Had all my excuses lined up such as 'Too much going on at the moment.' And, 'No car'. :P

But Lis, who lives with Dani, kept dropping hints to Dani too. And then told me that Dani wanted to meet me. Well, what could I do? Except go round Lisa's.

I'd been fed all the relevent info too:
"She's got an amazing voice"
"She's really beautiful"


And so my interest levels went up and on Saturday, I saw her for the first time. And they were right.
T said I was "assessing" her, when he was dropping me home, which I found quite funny! Trust Trist to use an expression like that! And apparently she was singing a set of songs the next day.

So Lis dragged me along to hear 'Dani' sing.
And yeah. They were right again.

A woman who can sing and is v.v.pretty... hmm.

I suppose you want to know how this story ends.
Unfortunatly, I want to know more than you.

So until next time dear readers. Take care

I'll tell ya how to link nxt time ur on msn if ya like.
Well. I've gotta keep some gossip to myself!

Naughty things involving Tom!?? I never did! Oh..wait..that's not what you meant.

Well, Tom, I look forward to the next installment... ;-)
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