Wednesday, June 29, 2005


The Art of Flirting (according to Lozza)

Woah! How could I almost forget this at Nando's on Sunday afternoon!!

Manager: "Hi. Have you been to Nando's before?"
Tom: "I have and she has*points to Maria" but she hasn't." *points to Loz*

Manager begins explaning to Loz how to order, but Maria stops him. Manager walks away to get something.

Maria: "I can explain how it all works Loz."
Loz: "Oh, but I wanted to flirt with him!"
Manager is stood right behind Loz putting something on the table that has our table number on it.


What is it?
An internet hustle?
is fed up of reading the same post over and over on this stoopid blog.
BlogBlogBlogBlogBlogBlogBlogBlogBlog.....i would continue but is kind of boring now! How about you just Blog!
Blog damn it. Even I'm getting bored.
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