Monday, August 15, 2005
Programmes You Must Watch (Part 1)
24 - webby
For the past 5 years. (Yes - 5 years) I have been addicted to a TV programme in a rather unhealthy way. You see, I enjoy watching someone kick ass.
The show is set in real time (almost) so basically, with ad breaks 1 minute on the show = 1 minute in real life. Events occur over a day (so show is called 24). Follows the work of an American agency called CTU (counter terroist unit) which counters terror such as nuclear threats, presidential assination attempts etc.
Edge of your seat thrill ride which always throws something new at you. Some of the sub plots can be a bit weak (they have to find someway to fill in for an hour sometimes) but the majority of the time it is fantasticly made.
The main character is played by Keifer Sutherland (son of Donald Sutherland) His name is Jack Bauer and he's taking names and kicking ass.

If you watch one show from now until you die, it must be this. With 4 seasons (4 days), it means it will take you roughly 4 days to watch it all. And with enough thrills and action to give a kid a heart attack, you will not get bored.
My number 1 favourite show.
For the past 5 years. (Yes - 5 years) I have been addicted to a TV programme in a rather unhealthy way. You see, I enjoy watching someone kick ass.
The show is set in real time (almost) so basically, with ad breaks 1 minute on the show = 1 minute in real life. Events occur over a day (so show is called 24). Follows the work of an American agency called CTU (counter terroist unit) which counters terror such as nuclear threats, presidential assination attempts etc.
Edge of your seat thrill ride which always throws something new at you. Some of the sub plots can be a bit weak (they have to find someway to fill in for an hour sometimes) but the majority of the time it is fantasticly made.
The main character is played by Keifer Sutherland (son of Donald Sutherland) His name is Jack Bauer and he's taking names and kicking ass.

If you watch one show from now until you die, it must be this. With 4 seasons (4 days), it means it will take you roughly 4 days to watch it all. And with enough thrills and action to give a kid a heart attack, you will not get bored.
My number 1 favourite show.
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Tom - I love 24 !!!! We just watched all of series 1 and are into series 2. The guys we live by (Russ and Vandy ) have them all on DVD!! They are so tense!!!!!! Everyone - you should try them - but they are completely addictive so be warned! (note to girlies - Keifer Sutherland is very addictive too! )
Ahh Sara..
Series 2. I haven't watched that for about 4 years.
It just gets better each season - mainly cos Jack kicks more ass!
Season 5 starts in Jan in the US, and prob in March here. My mate from Uni downloads them though so I'll keep uoto date with you guys.
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Series 2. I haven't watched that for about 4 years.
It just gets better each season - mainly cos Jack kicks more ass!
Season 5 starts in Jan in the US, and prob in March here. My mate from Uni downloads them though so I'll keep uoto date with you guys.
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