Monday, August 22, 2005


The World According To Gemma (Ruck Ass)

Gemma (deadly serious): 'What's a ruck ass?'

Tom and T: 'A ruck ass?'

Gemma: 'Yeah'

Tom: 'I don't know. Do you mean a ruckus?'

Gemma: 'I don't know... maybe...'

Tom and T: 'Hahahaha'

Tom: 'I'm so totally blogging this'

Umm, excuse me but it's not really my fault that I came out lookin so dumb, somebody who had text me spelt it as 'ruckass'!
I'm sure *you* could give it a meaning, Loz.
aah lil gem is a cutie - she really is!
No. I can't.
You can beg all you want, but it's not happening
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