Wednesday, February 01, 2006



Why do we find it so easy to spread word about a TV show because we think it rocks, but when it comes to talking about Christianity, we glide over the subject and don't get excited about it?

Why have we lost our excitement about Christianity?

Surely if we were excited about it, that would flow over into our conversation and would make people more interested.

After all, around 80% of conversation has nothing to do with what you are saying - it's how you say it.

Maybe we shouldn't be trying to bring people to God - maybe we should be focusing on getting excited about where we are with God.

completely agree with you, I am guilty to doing it (I mean spreading the word more about a tv show)
that is freaky... as soon as I left my comment Nami's appeared at exactly the same time!
well hello there...i wonder if you have been on my facebook any time should let me know. so anyways...i will hopefully get a chance to talk to you soon. i hope you are well my friend. ps...i like what you had to say in your blog. it was very true.
erm well I do bring God into my conversations but I try not to freak people out with it y'know. I dont hide my faith from anyone but I wait for a good opportunity.I try to let the Holy Spirit lead me.
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