Tuesday, February 21, 2006


The World According to Arrison

This may well be a regular slot on my blog. Mainly because he says weird/silly things all the time.

He's someone on my course who is, shall we say, socially challenged.

Exhibit 1:
Lecturer: If you miss any of the next two tutorial sessions you are going to be adrift.
Arrison: What's a drift?

Exhibit 2:
Tom: What size shoe are you?
Arrison: Err. 11 or 12. I cycle a lot and also play a lot of football and jog.
Tom: I don't think any of those effect the size of you feet though.

Exhibit 3:
Arrison walks up to me, stares for a few seconds and then says:
You haven't shaved today have you?

I was a bit concerned at that last one.

That's actually a pretty close comparrison.

You gettit it. CompARRISON?

Err. In some ways, Steve is actually more gifted in social situations.
Ahh...Tom with stubble.
The words 'Lis...look at my bumfluff' (or something like that) will be forever etched in my mind.
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