Saturday, May 27, 2006


Exams = Stress

I was completely stressed out of my mind this week.

So much so that I felt like throwing up at one point.

4 (3 hour) exams in the space of 7 days took their toll.

I would like to thank God for helping me to not cave. Thanks to all the people who prayed for me, and thanks to my right wrist for managing to hold up to 9 hours worth of writing over Weds, Thurs and Fri (1 exam on each of those days).
(this sounds a bit like an acceptance speech doesn't it? Someone pass me a hanky)

I would also like to take the time to apologise to my eyes for not giving them enough rest, my brain for cramming it so full of rubbish it felt like it was gonna burst and to my stomach for keeping it empty for so long...

And also to my wrist, which still hurts...

I did still manage to watch the final episodes of 24 and Lost though! And all I can say is -

"My, oh my!!!!"

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