- Completely ripping it out of people who phone into Late Night Love on GWR FM with Mario.
- That very last bit of steak
- When my head hits the pillow and I fall to sleep instantly
- When I wake up and already feel fresh and alert
- Knowing that I've written a good song for the first time in months
- Making others laugh
- Playing the Wii with my mates
- Finding one more slice of cake when I thought there was none left
- Finishing a task knowing I'd done my best
- Applying something I'd recently learnt to aspects of my life
- Being surrounded by God's peace
- Car trips with Loz, Maz and Adam... ;) ;)
- Flights with my cousin Josh (he's scared of flights)
- Meeting up with family who I haven't seen in weeks
- Having a crush on someone
- And them liking you back!
- Lying on a beach, on a baking hot day with an iPod in my ears knowing that no one will flick sand on me
- Flicking sand on people who are relaxing on the beach with their iPods
- Going for a swim when I haven't been for 6 months
- Riding my bike into work when the weather is great
- Riding my bike back home when the weather is still great
- Drilling a shot pin-point into the bottom corner of the net
- Lofting a long ball right on to the feet of a team mate
- Meeting a new person and clicking with them within minutes
- Listening to the final mixes of our songs after they've been recorded
- Losing myself in worship
- Losing myself in prayer
- Losing myself in praise
- Knowing that everything will work out in the end
- Seeing people's new babies for the first time
- Park Event
- Seeing the rewads for stepping out in faith
- Playing Risk/Poker etc and knowing I can't actually talk my way out of much but that people think I think I can
- Watching new Season's of 24
- Watching old episodes of Friends
- Bowling. Tennis. Football. Table Tennis. Pool
- Beating He of the Ten Shampoos and The Norm at table tennis
- Beating Tim at pool
- Beating Trist at Risk
- Making up nicknames for people at Uni such as: The Frog. Doctor Who. Lead. Dani Champion of the World. BA. Grintor. DI. 21 Questions. and many, many more.
- When the clocks go back and I get an extra hour in bed
- Getting home just in time on a Saturday to see the highlights of the Man Utd game
# posted by TommyDB @ 12:11 a.m.