Thursday, October 21, 2004


That Friday Feeling *Filthy Beast*

Why do people love Friday's so much?

For me, It's my 2nd most packed day at Uni with perhaps the most boring 2 lessons ever created by man (Stats and Excel tips with stats) and it's also the day when I have to tend to 100 kids/teens for 4 hours every single week.

Thank the Lord it's not Friday yet.

As for today, it's my day off! Yay. Up at 10:30... time to just chill. I've cleaned my football boots - they got absolutely *caked* (Mmmmm... cake) with mud last Saturday after our first league win of the season. Aww yeah. 2-1 baby.

Which makes me wanna point out something. All the games we've won this season, I've started in or come on 5 mins in cos someone was injured. Whereas we've lost every other game...

What a shame I'm not starting on Saturday ;) Got a driving lesson at 9:30.

Oh, and speaking of cake (4th paragraph, 2nd line) or food (yes, I'm thinking of food AGAIN - why am I so skinny?) err, do you ever have that feeling in the afternoon where you can't be bothered to eat anything because:
a) You've been eating it for 4 years and it's a bit boring
b) You really can't be bothered to make the interesting stuff cos it takes to long and you need something NOW.

Well, I was like that today. I've decided to stick with the trusty Pot Noodle 'Sweet and Sour' which I'm stuffing my face with now. Filthy beast...

Tonite, I've got a youth leaders meeting at the bookshop. This means that I can't get Claire to make me a tea. Actually, I mite be able to if she comes (usually the meetings are round her house) and after that the night is mine! Muahahaha.

Until my 9:30 Uni start tomoz. Ah well.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004


You know that thing men think about every minute...

Yeah? Cos I've got serious cravings. I haven't eaten properly since breakfast. Which was at 7:30 this morning. Yup, that's right - another EARLY start. And for what? A degree? Who cares? I'll probably just end up back at AXA. Or maybe doing a really easy job like Tristan's.

He can either type really, really, really fast (he can type really fast) or he wastes at least an hour a day updating this thing... at work. Tut-tut. :P

Well, I found out yesterday that me and my friend (lets call her Brian for the sake of conversation) managed to drive home on a semi flat tyre. Brain said she thought the steering was a bit dodgy on Monday nite as we were coming home cos whenever she let go of the wheel, it veered slightly off to the left. 'Crazy Brian' I thought, all the while persauding her to use the motorway to get back to my house. Well, that's a lie. I wanted to get to McD's as fast as I could cos I was starving! Anywho, as we were leaving McD's, you could hear a funny scraping sounds coming from my side of the car. I thought it might be the brakes rubbing (car knowledge = zero) Obviously it was the flat. But it was still just about ok to drive cos Brian didn't notice until she got home that it was deflated.

The wierd thing is that it may have been sabotage! This is because the plastic flap that you push into the outside of the wheel, that stops mud and stuff getting into places it shudn't, was missing whereas it was still on the other wheel.

The plastic wheel guard theives are back and they are roaming the streets of Staple Hill... I've always known people were out for me...

Ah yes. My lecture today was about Cell Biology. It's quite cool actually, learning about all the little bits and bobs that make up our cells. Haven't a clue what any of them do...

The lecturer said something quite funny about an female egg cell (well it can't exactly be a male egg cell can it? Duh!) He said it's got something called a 'cloud' that surrounds it and a membrane called a 'crown' that kinda sits on it, so as it moves down the fallopean tube, it does so gracefully on a cloud wearing a crown kinda like a Queen or maybe a princess. He said he thought it was romantic. I'm indifferent.

Not funny? Had to be there then.

Time for food.

Thinking about: food


Whoop, der it is!

So then. It has begun. Will it remain updated? Will it fall by the way side? Will I even remember tomorrow morning, that I've created an account on here?

I hope not...

At least I'll save 15 mins a day if I don't.

Well, I guess I'm supposed to talk about my day. Or is it too boring to tell you what I'm going to be talking about... or is it too boring telling you that I think it might be boring telling you what I'm going to be talking about.

Don't worry if you don't get that.... Neither do I.

That reminds me of a really cool Friends episode where Rachael, Joey and Phoebe find out about Chandler and Monica's relationship. And if you're not a Friends fan, why ther heck not? As the comic book guy from the Simpsons would say. 'Best theme music ever'

Oh yeah. My day. 8:30 start at Uni this morn. Huh huh. Cafeinne is my friend. Not coffee though. Coffee is evil. What? And it's about microbiology. The lecturer guy actually tells us (no, don't go read someone elses blog yet, this is the interesting part) that someone he knew had accidently injected himself with the aboela virus. You know, the one that makes you bleed out of every part of you're body and disintigrates everything inside you? Well, he was doing some tests with it on guinea pig (ta Tristan for the spelling) and as he was just about to inject the poor defenceless little pig with it, it ran (as you would) and he injected his thumb instead.... probably quite a big problem... definite con about his job.

Anywho, luckily there were drugs on hand that supressed the virus long enough for his own body to fight it off (usually people die) So he survived due to being tanked up with some pretty impressive virus numbing drugs, and the irony (this is definitly an example of irony!) is that because he's now one of the only people on the planet who has antibodies against this disease... he's being used as the guinea pig to see if a cure can be found!

And that's about as interesting as my day got. I also found out I've got ANOTHER essay to do due in for 3 weeks time. It's about microbes and things that they do. Most people in my class will just do alcohol... :)

(Insert some stuff about everybody going into the library at the same time to look for books on microbes and me not getting any)

And now I'm sat at home just after Bible School which was cool. Man in Ministry. Not going to tell you bout it cos you just gotta go!

What am I thinking of right now? 'Cheese and chocolate nibbles with milk in a basket'.

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