Friday, June 30, 2006


The World According to Me

Nig and the guys had just got back from Alton Towers:

Tom: How was Center Parcs?

Umm. Doh!

Thursday, June 29, 2006


Bad Day?

Watch this.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Brainstorming Question

I guess we should deal with every church situation we come across in love.

But how can you practically show love to those people you deal with?



The World According to Maria

Guess who's back?
Back again.
Mar-i-o's back.
Tell a friend.

Tom: Are you sure you want to wait in the car? Might be a while.

Maria (while holding the rear door wide open):
Yes. I'll wait in the car. Is it open?

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


The Curse of Smye


That's the number of girls who used to come to church who I fancied but who have left the church.

Every girl I fancy leaves.

Either God is trying to tell me something...
Or those girls are.

lol - be glad that I don't fancy anyone in the church atm!


Poem No IV

I'm failing fast,
Thank God for grace.

I'm failing fast,
Mistakes each day.

I'm failing fast,
No time to lose.

I'm failing fast.
The cross paid my dues.

Monday, June 26, 2006



*walks into bathroom. spots something in corner of eye*

"What the heck is that in the bath?!?!!"


"Oh. Umbrella."

Sunday, June 25, 2006



Flippin' (Watch This Space)


10 Pounds a Goal

Tom: Paul. I'll give you 10 pounds if Beckham scores from this free kick.

*5 secs later Tom proceeds to 'pound' Paul*

Tom: One, Two...

Tuesday, June 20, 2006



Flippin' Sweden.

Monday, June 19, 2006


I don't like... stuffing...

Tim: I don't fancy sitting on...


... that pile.

It's only funny if you've heard the 'stuffing' thing.


Come on England!

Sunday, June 18, 2006


Shorts and Netting


Why put netting in shorts? It makes them about 1000x more uncomfortable.


The Legend that is Len

Just after church:

Mark: Yeah. She's on £15 an hour though!

Tom: Yeah. I know.

Mark: But when you think that that involves wiping people's backsides you can understand it.


Len: Well. You gotta start from the bottom though, haven't you.

Saturday, June 17, 2006


We have got to try this sometime!!

This has got to be seen to be believed.

Exhibit 1

Exhibit 2

Watch No1 first.

Friday, June 16, 2006


The shirt hunt is over

I finally found a nice shirt for the wedding.

Thank you Lord.


The World According to Curious By Design

We finally started practicing the song for the Wedding you and you will be happy to know ;)
And we managed to make this person almost cry... so hopefully it's good.

But we're all in agreement that the wedding day should be called:

"Curious By Design with special guest Nick Turrell. Also featuring 'The Wedding'"

lol. It was funny at the time.




Flippin' England.

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Desperate Housewives Season Finale




What is up with TV shows this year all having amazing final episodes?!

24's Season 5 end scene is the winner though!

Monday, June 12, 2006


The World According to Alex

Alex is my ikle brother.

He got a bit drunk on the weekend.

The following takes place on the day of my Aunties 60th birthday party.
Events do not occur in real time.

Alex: Thomas. Do you have any premium bonds?

Alex: Don't patronise me. x10

Alex: What's this plastic bag doing here?
It says Sainsburys on it.
I work there.

Alex: Mum. I have never drank this much before.

Alex: It's like... I know what I'm doing... I just can't stop. x5

Alex: I'm just trying to annoy you now.
Tom: But you're not. I'm finding it hilarious.
Alex: I know that! But I just don't care.

Alex: I know you're all laughing at me, but it's funny. x5

Alex: When I get to 18, will my body change?

Alex: I'm not drunk... I mean, I'm not that drunk.

Yeah right. lol. The car journey to where we were staying was so funny that it was up there with the now infamous 'Teenage Dirtbag' journey.

Well. It's famous for me and T, anyway.


Thunderbolts and Lightning...

"Very very frightning me."

I'm only a bit annoyed about being woken up at 5:10am.

And Mr/Mrs Weatherman/woman. It STILL doesn't feel any fresher!!!!

I don't think I'll be able to get out of bed tomorrow on account that I'll be stuck to it.


Thursday, June 08, 2006


The World According to a Shopping Assistant 1 in River Island

Me and Tim were happily browsing the store when:

Shop Assistant 1: I'm sorry. We have to evacuate the building. An odd bomb has been found.

Tom: Did she say, 'odd bomb'?

Shop Assistant 2: Yeah.

Tim: How can a bomb be odd? A bomb's a bomb isn't it?


A week late but still


Exams are OVER!


FREEDOM to enjoy the sunshine...

Except for those dastardly 10 hours of work I have to do.


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