Thursday, May 26, 2005
I should be either in bed...
.... or revising.
with 4 down and 2 more to go, I figure I can take a little bit of a break.
I was just watching Big Brother's top 20 contestants on E4, and I have to say, some of the top 10 was ridiculous. I mean, Victor was only at Number 9, Ray was at number 5 (he was boring!) and Stuart and Michelle were 6th and 4th respectively. What the hell?!
Where's Mr Tickle? Oh, wait, he's down in 15th. Rubbish.
Anyway, I can accept the top 3.
3rd - Jade
2nd - Nadia
1st - Brian (MARIIIOOOOOO?)
Oh yeah. I like Big Brother :) Sorry, but I'm addicted and I'm glad I only have 1 exam left after this week cos Big Brother starts tomorrow. Oh yes. Evil BB.
I'm a little annoyed at the moment, cos a really nice car that I was going to look at on Saturday has disappeared off of Auto Trader. Grrrrrr.
I can't be bothered to fill you in on my weekly chores, cos I only had 4 1/2 hours sleep last night, but rest assured that the exam I had today went pretty damn sweetly considering I was cacking my pants yesterday. So it was worth it in the end. I think I'm gonig to get up at 5ish tomorrow morn to see if I can finish revising for an exam I got at 9.
I can't blag this one because unlike all the other ones, non of it is multiple choice. Poo.
So I'm actually going to have to learn stuff. I mean, I know enough to pass, but if you know anything about me, you'll know that that isn't enough and I'll want to get a 1st grade in every exam (above 70%)
Just the way I am. I didn't even know there was a 2nd place until I lost once.
Tomorrows plan of action goes like this:
5am - Get up and revise.
8am - Go into uni.
9am - Do exam
11am - Come out of exam.
11:30am - Go home after chatting about exam
12pm - Shower
12:30pm - Have lunch
13pm - Leave home to go to town
14pm - Arrive at mates
14:05 - Begin watching the last 2 episodes of 24!!!!
It gets a bit hazy after that point. Something to do with 100 kids in a church building. I think I might actually go into the office during youth club and fall asleep. Sounds like a good plan to me!
I found out yesterday that you can have a good, meaningful conversation in the middle of Tesco's and that not even shop assistance in a supermarket are safe from the impending lusts of a boy and a girl.
And no. It wasn't to do with me!
On finishing, I'd just like to congratulate Liverpool on a fantastic result yesterday.
Good night.
with 4 down and 2 more to go, I figure I can take a little bit of a break.
I was just watching Big Brother's top 20 contestants on E4, and I have to say, some of the top 10 was ridiculous. I mean, Victor was only at Number 9, Ray was at number 5 (he was boring!) and Stuart and Michelle were 6th and 4th respectively. What the hell?!
Where's Mr Tickle? Oh, wait, he's down in 15th. Rubbish.
Anyway, I can accept the top 3.
3rd - Jade
2nd - Nadia
1st - Brian (MARIIIOOOOOO?)
Oh yeah. I like Big Brother :) Sorry, but I'm addicted and I'm glad I only have 1 exam left after this week cos Big Brother starts tomorrow. Oh yes. Evil BB.
I'm a little annoyed at the moment, cos a really nice car that I was going to look at on Saturday has disappeared off of Auto Trader. Grrrrrr.
I can't be bothered to fill you in on my weekly chores, cos I only had 4 1/2 hours sleep last night, but rest assured that the exam I had today went pretty damn sweetly considering I was cacking my pants yesterday. So it was worth it in the end. I think I'm gonig to get up at 5ish tomorrow morn to see if I can finish revising for an exam I got at 9.
I can't blag this one because unlike all the other ones, non of it is multiple choice. Poo.
So I'm actually going to have to learn stuff. I mean, I know enough to pass, but if you know anything about me, you'll know that that isn't enough and I'll want to get a 1st grade in every exam (above 70%)
Just the way I am. I didn't even know there was a 2nd place until I lost once.
Tomorrows plan of action goes like this:
5am - Get up and revise.
8am - Go into uni.
9am - Do exam
11am - Come out of exam.
11:30am - Go home after chatting about exam
12pm - Shower
12:30pm - Have lunch
13pm - Leave home to go to town
14pm - Arrive at mates
14:05 - Begin watching the last 2 episodes of 24!!!!
It gets a bit hazy after that point. Something to do with 100 kids in a church building. I think I might actually go into the office during youth club and fall asleep. Sounds like a good plan to me!
I found out yesterday that you can have a good, meaningful conversation in the middle of Tesco's and that not even shop assistance in a supermarket are safe from the impending lusts of a boy and a girl.
And no. It wasn't to do with me!
On finishing, I'd just like to congratulate Liverpool on a fantastic result yesterday.
Good night.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Only 8% in it!
You scored as Both. You're a 50/50 person! You are balanced and are a rare one.
Male or female? created with |
At least I'm more male! (Just)
Monday, May 23, 2005
Violets are blue...
You scored as Deeply Romantic. You are very romantic. You are very committed to your significant other, and can only imagine being with them for your entire life. Your sign of affection of choice is either cuddling with a kiss on the forehead, or a deep satisfying kiss. |
Romantic or Unfeeling? created with |
What Family Guy character am *I*
You scored as Peter. You're a lovable but moronic idiot. And where as imbecile is a word, festeasio is not.
What Family Guy Character Are you? created with |
Friday, May 20, 2005
Star Wars!!!!!
And exams.
I just had my 1st exam outta 6.
So far so good. I recon I probably got about 70%ish on this one... which will make up for my less than impressive coursework. So it's all good.
I only have to worry abuot 5 more now.
Yesterday we went to the cinema
To see Star Wars.
My initial reactions are that it rocked. However, I thought that about Eps II and when my brother pointed out all of the stupid errors in the plot and the fact that the acting was a bit bad, I changed my mind a bit. And also, after being slashed in the back, you tend to be injured for a while... Padme just got up and walked around like nothing had happened.
*Man I sound geeky*
Riiiiight then. But I was scrutinising Eps III all the way thru for gaping plot holes and even though it does appear that there are again a few mistakes, you can kinda fill them in and explain them away, unlike the other 2. Also, Anakin seemed a bit more rounded out in this one, which was nice. He just seemed like a bit of a prat in Esp II.
Anyway, I better not talk about it much more, lest I give away the plot.
I'ev just blogged 3 times in one day! Can I have a cookie?
I just had my 1st exam outta 6.
So far so good. I recon I probably got about 70%ish on this one... which will make up for my less than impressive coursework. So it's all good.
I only have to worry abuot 5 more now.
Yesterday we went to the cinema
To see Star Wars.
My initial reactions are that it rocked. However, I thought that about Eps II and when my brother pointed out all of the stupid errors in the plot and the fact that the acting was a bit bad, I changed my mind a bit. And also, after being slashed in the back, you tend to be injured for a while... Padme just got up and walked around like nothing had happened.
*Man I sound geeky*
Riiiiight then. But I was scrutinising Eps III all the way thru for gaping plot holes and even though it does appear that there are again a few mistakes, you can kinda fill them in and explain them away, unlike the other 2. Also, Anakin seemed a bit more rounded out in this one, which was nice. He just seemed like a bit of a prat in Esp II.
Anyway, I better not talk about it much more, lest I give away the plot.
I'ev just blogged 3 times in one day! Can I have a cookie?
How do *I* view life?
Life is good and bad. You know it can never be
perfect and that it never have been, and you're
fine with that. You still feel it's important
to live life since it can end any day and not
sulk because of some little failure in life.
You are often a happy person, still you don't
laugh all the time. You have a somewhat calm
aura and most people feel comfortable around
How do you see life?
brought to you by
What Book of the Bible am *I*
I couldn't decide on one of the questions so I came out as 2 books.

You are Romans.
Which book of the Bible are you?
brought to you by

You are Romans.
Which book of the Bible are you?
brought to you by
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Blind Men and Comfort Zones
Right. You see the title of my blog. Good!
At this moment in time, I envy non-Christians. You see, they never feel bad about not doing something they should've done or perhaps doing something they shouldn't have, unless there are obvious reprocussions that affect them or people close to them.
However, in my Christian case, I have God in one ear telling me what is the right thing to do is regardless of how I'm affected.
This is where I am envious see.
The problem is, and I'm not ashamed to admit it, I love God. I mean, He has died for us and pretty much sorts us out everytime even though we can be so undeserving. So when He asks me to do something, and I repeatedly blag my way out of it/ignore it because I'm too chicken crap to do anything about it, I can and do end up feeling guilty.
You see, there is this blind guy who I see at work sometimes. And I'm not sure whether it's me or not, but I keep thinking that God wants me to pray for this guy. It doesn't even matter if the person says no - God still wants me to ask him.
But me being chicken means that I blag it by:
a) Telling myself it's not God
b) Persuading myself it's not God
Unfortunately, option c) appeared today.
c) Realising neither is true and regardless of whether it's God or not, I should go and pray for the guy cos I know God can heal him.
And made me feel really bad when I walked away... again... for a 3rd time...
I told God that if He wanted me to pray for him I'd do it the 2nd time I saw him. I mean, I work in a building of 2,000 people. How likely is it that I'd see the same guy again?
Very likely apparently...
It's not that I don't believe God can heal him.
It's not that I don't believe God will heal him.
It's that I have no idea how to brouch the subject in the first place, and I don't want anyone seeing me pray for this guy in the street, because, believe it or not, I'm worried about what others may think.
Yes... yes. I'm a terrible Christian.
And I'm also a little worried that God won't heal him. But by the time it gets to that point I won't mind either way cos at least I would've done what God asked, so that doesn't really bother me.
And I know what could happen if God does heal him. Pretty damn awesome things.
In fact, I don't really need comments on this blog at all, cos I know what I've gotta do.
Right. You see the title of my blog. Good!
At this moment in time, I envy non-Christians. You see, they never feel bad about not doing something they should've done or perhaps doing something they shouldn't have, unless there are obvious reprocussions that affect them or people close to them.
However, in my Christian case, I have God in one ear telling me what is the right thing to do is regardless of how I'm affected.
This is where I am envious see.
The problem is, and I'm not ashamed to admit it, I love God. I mean, He has died for us and pretty much sorts us out everytime even though we can be so undeserving. So when He asks me to do something, and I repeatedly blag my way out of it/ignore it because I'm too chicken crap to do anything about it, I can and do end up feeling guilty.
You see, there is this blind guy who I see at work sometimes. And I'm not sure whether it's me or not, but I keep thinking that God wants me to pray for this guy. It doesn't even matter if the person says no - God still wants me to ask him.
But me being chicken means that I blag it by:
a) Telling myself it's not God
b) Persuading myself it's not God
Unfortunately, option c) appeared today.
c) Realising neither is true and regardless of whether it's God or not, I should go and pray for the guy cos I know God can heal him.
And made me feel really bad when I walked away... again... for a 3rd time...
I told God that if He wanted me to pray for him I'd do it the 2nd time I saw him. I mean, I work in a building of 2,000 people. How likely is it that I'd see the same guy again?
Very likely apparently...
It's not that I don't believe God can heal him.
It's not that I don't believe God will heal him.
It's that I have no idea how to brouch the subject in the first place, and I don't want anyone seeing me pray for this guy in the street, because, believe it or not, I'm worried about what others may think.
Yes... yes. I'm a terrible Christian.
And I'm also a little worried that God won't heal him. But by the time it gets to that point I won't mind either way cos at least I would've done what God asked, so that doesn't really bother me.
And I know what could happen if God does heal him. Pretty damn awesome things.
In fact, I don't really need comments on this blog at all, cos I know what I've gotta do.
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Dire Recordings, The Fat Pigeon, Perfect Timing, Dont' mention the word 'blog', And don't use someone elses guitar!!!
In true blogger fashion, I've decided to nick some ideas off a fellow blogger (cheers Loz) and put all the things I'm going to talk about in my subject folder.
I don't want to be a sheep or anything but everyone is stealing stuff from other people at the moment and I want in!
So we'll start with 'Dire Recordings'.
As some of you may or may not know (just covering everyone), me, T, Mark, Tim and Andy (all real names I promise!) have kinda formed a band type thing. And on Thursday we decided to record some stuff on to tape just to kinda hear what we sounded like and also to copywrite the stuff cos there are theives in this world... oh yes!
It was actually Lis who gave me the idea which I stole (irony?)
Anywho, we employed the services of resident DJ and all round nice guy ;) Luke to assist our sound mixing. Unfortunately, the first few times we recorded, Luke decided he liked the sounds of the drums and my voice a bit too much. Not a bad thing for me and Andy if we were ever gonig to make it on our own...
.... na....
... but was a bit bad for the other guys. So eventually we got the mix right (yay!) and I could hear Mark (yay!) who usually has the tune, so it's quite bad mmkay, if he's not heard over me. The sound wasn't actually that dire. What was dire was the absolute crapness of the tape we used. I mean, it was a new tape and it was sooo bad. I know I sometimes go out of tune, but come'on! But it all made me really wanna get into a studio and record some decent sounding stuff with the help of our soon to be newly trained sound engineerer and No2 bassist. Lis :P
(Side note: this linking stuff is really cool!)
So I might speak to a few people who I know and organise something. I mean, if we did sell the CD's we made in church and to mates, I'm sure we could
a) Raise money for the church/youth club, and
b) Make back on the money we spent for the studio time.
Hmm, why do I come up with these good ideas in blog land?
T what d'ya think?
So anyway, it's all looking like a fun little adventure for us guys from the outbacks of Bristol.
Moving on to: 'The Fat Pigeon'
Not a particular interesting story. All it was is I was on my way to Lis' yesterday to have chilli (Mmmmm - it was good, I promise!) and as I was walking thru the town centre, I saw this HUOOOOOGE pigeon. I know I could've chased it down and it wouldn't have been able to take off... I was so tempted. It was about twice the size of a normal pigeon. Made me chuckle to myself :)
Number 3: 'Perfect Timing'
Getting to and from town (where Lisa lives) from where I live (5 miles outside the centre) can usually be a boring a tedious journey mixed with late buses, 100's of people getting on and off the bus and the occasional traffic light (must... buy... new... car) which can make the journey time extremely unpredictable. Because I was going to Lisa's I also had to walk up a huge hill which takes about 20 minutes. However, I know God was with me on this journey because I recently bought a new CD (Hillsongs - United Live) which I recommend cos tis very good. And as I left my house, I started playing the CD, and without skipping any songs and only restarting one because I had to pop into Tesco's to buy a phone card, the moment I got to Lisa's front door was the precise moment the CD finished! So if I could be bothered, I could find out exactly how long it took me to get from my house to Lisa's (I quit with the links).
Ahh. 'Don't Play With Someone Else's Guitar':
Especially when they don't know you're playing it. Speaks for itself really. Only cos I might have broken it. :)
And finally: 'Don't Mention the Word Blog'
Especially when you or others write about certain people on it and you never want them to know. T'was my bad! Slip of the tongue.
Oh, before I forget, I gotta do a shout out to Dave, cos he says he laughs at my comments. ;)
Now I revise.
I don't want to be a sheep or anything but everyone is stealing stuff from other people at the moment and I want in!
So we'll start with 'Dire Recordings'.
As some of you may or may not know (just covering everyone), me, T, Mark, Tim and Andy (all real names I promise!) have kinda formed a band type thing. And on Thursday we decided to record some stuff on to tape just to kinda hear what we sounded like and also to copywrite the stuff cos there are theives in this world... oh yes!
It was actually Lis who gave me the idea which I stole (irony?)
Anywho, we employed the services of resident DJ and all round nice guy ;) Luke to assist our sound mixing. Unfortunately, the first few times we recorded, Luke decided he liked the sounds of the drums and my voice a bit too much. Not a bad thing for me and Andy if we were ever gonig to make it on our own...
.... na....
... but was a bit bad for the other guys. So eventually we got the mix right (yay!) and I could hear Mark (yay!) who usually has the tune, so it's quite bad mmkay, if he's not heard over me. The sound wasn't actually that dire. What was dire was the absolute crapness of the tape we used. I mean, it was a new tape and it was sooo bad. I know I sometimes go out of tune, but come'on! But it all made me really wanna get into a studio and record some decent sounding stuff with the help of our soon to be newly trained sound engineerer and No2 bassist. Lis :P
(Side note: this linking stuff is really cool!)
So I might speak to a few people who I know and organise something. I mean, if we did sell the CD's we made in church and to mates, I'm sure we could
a) Raise money for the church/youth club, and
b) Make back on the money we spent for the studio time.
Hmm, why do I come up with these good ideas in blog land?
T what d'ya think?
So anyway, it's all looking like a fun little adventure for us guys from the outbacks of Bristol.
Moving on to: 'The Fat Pigeon'
Not a particular interesting story. All it was is I was on my way to Lis' yesterday to have chilli (Mmmmm - it was good, I promise!) and as I was walking thru the town centre, I saw this HUOOOOOGE pigeon. I know I could've chased it down and it wouldn't have been able to take off... I was so tempted. It was about twice the size of a normal pigeon. Made me chuckle to myself :)
Number 3: 'Perfect Timing'
Getting to and from town (where Lisa lives) from where I live (5 miles outside the centre) can usually be a boring a tedious journey mixed with late buses, 100's of people getting on and off the bus and the occasional traffic light (must... buy... new... car) which can make the journey time extremely unpredictable. Because I was going to Lisa's I also had to walk up a huge hill which takes about 20 minutes. However, I know God was with me on this journey because I recently bought a new CD (Hillsongs - United Live) which I recommend cos tis very good. And as I left my house, I started playing the CD, and without skipping any songs and only restarting one because I had to pop into Tesco's to buy a phone card, the moment I got to Lisa's front door was the precise moment the CD finished! So if I could be bothered, I could find out exactly how long it took me to get from my house to Lisa's (I quit with the links).
Ahh. 'Don't Play With Someone Else's Guitar':
Especially when they don't know you're playing it. Speaks for itself really. Only cos I might have broken it. :)
And finally: 'Don't Mention the Word Blog'
Especially when you or others write about certain people on it and you never want them to know. T'was my bad! Slip of the tongue.
Oh, before I forget, I gotta do a shout out to Dave, cos he says he laughs at my comments. ;)
Now I revise.
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
AHHHH!!!! My head is going to explode with all this knowledge I'm trying to cram into it. I must offload somewhere:
Note - this entire post is from memory. Help me if I'm wrong. Maria?
Citric Acid Cycle: AKA Krebs Cycle
Organic compounds are in black.
Enzymes are in green
Oxaloacetate + Acetyl CoEnzyme A ---> Citrate ---> Aconitase ---> Isocitrate ---> Isocitrate Dehydrogenase ---> Oxalosuccinate ---> Alpha Ketoglutarate ---> Alpha Ketoglutarate Dehydrogenase ---> Succinyl CoEnzymeA ---> Succinyl CoEnzymeA Synthetase ---> Succinate ---> Succinate Dehydrogenase ---> Fumarate ---> Fumarase ---> Malate ---> Malate Dehydrogenase ---> Oxaloacetate which is the first compound.
Hence, this should actually be a circle, not linear.
Got that one remembered?
You'll also have to remember that at reaction 4, 6 and 10 NAD+ is reduced to NADH. At 7, GDP is phosphorylated to GTP and at 8 FAD is reduced to FADH2.
And I've got to remember around 10 pathways like that one.
I need to off load another!
Oxidative Steps in the Pentose Pathway
Glucose-6-Phophate ---> Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase---> 6-Phosphate-Gluconolactone ---> Gluconolactonase ---> 6-Phospho-Glucanate ---> 6-Phospho-Glucanate Dehydrogenase ---> Ribulose-5-Phosphate ---> Phosphopentose Isomerase ---> Ribose-5-Phosphate (key in making DNA)
You'll also have to remember that NAD+ is again reduced to NADH in reactions 1 and 3.
:( :( :(
Uni is hard.
I still need to do Oxidative Phosphorylation - the Electron Transpost Chain. Lipid Metabolism. Protein Metabolism and Urea Synthesis.
All have at least 1 pathway to learn. And this is only for 1 exam!!!!!
DH is on later though :D
Note - this entire post is from memory. Help me if I'm wrong. Maria?
Citric Acid Cycle: AKA Krebs Cycle
Organic compounds are in black.
Enzymes are in green
Oxaloacetate + Acetyl CoEnzyme A ---> Citrate ---> Aconitase ---> Isocitrate ---> Isocitrate Dehydrogenase ---> Oxalosuccinate ---> Alpha Ketoglutarate ---> Alpha Ketoglutarate Dehydrogenase ---> Succinyl CoEnzymeA ---> Succinyl CoEnzymeA Synthetase ---> Succinate ---> Succinate Dehydrogenase ---> Fumarate ---> Fumarase ---> Malate ---> Malate Dehydrogenase ---> Oxaloacetate which is the first compound.
Hence, this should actually be a circle, not linear.
Got that one remembered?
You'll also have to remember that at reaction 4, 6 and 10 NAD+ is reduced to NADH. At 7, GDP is phosphorylated to GTP and at 8 FAD is reduced to FADH2.
And I've got to remember around 10 pathways like that one.
I need to off load another!
Oxidative Steps in the Pentose Pathway
Glucose-6-Phophate ---> Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase---> 6-Phosphate-Gluconolactone ---> Gluconolactonase ---> 6-Phospho-Glucanate ---> 6-Phospho-Glucanate Dehydrogenase ---> Ribulose-5-Phosphate ---> Phosphopentose Isomerase ---> Ribose-5-Phosphate (key in making DNA)
You'll also have to remember that NAD+ is again reduced to NADH in reactions 1 and 3.
:( :( :(
Uni is hard.
I still need to do Oxidative Phosphorylation - the Electron Transpost Chain. Lipid Metabolism. Protein Metabolism and Urea Synthesis.
All have at least 1 pathway to learn. And this is only for 1 exam!!!!!
DH is on later though :D
Monday, May 09, 2005
It's a small blogger world after all....
Recently I've been scouring the unbelievable high heights of the land of blog and it is safe to say that the internet has made the world a much smaller place.
In order for you to fully understand the web of knowledge I am about to present you with, lets look at the subjects and present links to them, cos I can! :D
The blog world - Who's Who?
Tom - ie: me!
Valancy Jane
Deepest apologies if I've missed anybody out...
But so far, this is the web I have unearthed and who's blogs I have stumbled across through other peoples blogs.
What I need is one of those double page spreads they have in newspapers with different coloured lines for things like "Friends" "Dating" "Lives With" "Knows Someone Who Knows Them" "Goes to Church With" etc...
Unfortunately, I do not. And I think I will leave it for you, my fellow readers to discover all these links for yourselves.
The clues are there, you just have to read each blog carefully + comments to discover how all of these people are linked. I hope you have as much joy as I did.
(I wonder how many people on that list have read my blog)
Happy Hunting and if you're names on that list and you stumble on to this blog - leave a comment will ya!
Recently I've been scouring the unbelievable high heights of the land of blog and it is safe to say that the internet has made the world a much smaller place.
In order for you to fully understand the web of knowledge I am about to present you with, lets look at the subjects and present links to them, cos I can! :D
The blog world - Who's Who?
Tom - ie: me!
Valancy Jane
Deepest apologies if I've missed anybody out...
But so far, this is the web I have unearthed and who's blogs I have stumbled across through other peoples blogs.
What I need is one of those double page spreads they have in newspapers with different coloured lines for things like "Friends" "Dating" "Lives With" "Knows Someone Who Knows Them" "Goes to Church With" etc...
Unfortunately, I do not. And I think I will leave it for you, my fellow readers to discover all these links for yourselves.
The clues are there, you just have to read each blog carefully + comments to discover how all of these people are linked. I hope you have as much joy as I did.
(I wonder how many people on that list have read my blog)
Happy Hunting and if you're names on that list and you stumble on to this blog - leave a comment will ya!
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Which Wise Quote are you?
I did that test T put in his blog... scary results!
Your wise quote is: "The best antiques are old friends" by Unknown...
Your buds are the source of your happiness (maybe not all but still). Even if it's just one, a couple or a whole group they are the ones you can't wait to see. It doesn't matter if you're shy with everyone else or not, with them you let your true spirit shine and can be as loud as you want. They accept you, and you love them for that.
And to quote T,
Your wise quote is: "The best antiques are old friends" by Unknown...
Your buds are the source of your happiness (maybe not all but still). Even if it's just one, a couple or a whole group they are the ones you can't wait to see. It doesn't matter if you're shy with everyone else or not, with them you let your true spirit shine and can be as loud as you want. They accept you, and you love them for that.
And to quote T,
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Shout Out
This is a blog dedicated soley to Viv.
You know who you are!
Happy reading :)
You know who you are!
Happy reading :)
Monday, May 02, 2005
Oh Mandy, You came and You gave without taking
What has that title got to do with any of this blog?
Nothing actually.
So... an update. As all my fellow readers are aware, for the past few months (ie: posts) I've been talking about my car/s a lot.
To sum up. Boy borrows friends car. Gives it back. Boy buys car. Crashes it. Boy gets insurance to pay out for written off car.
So I should be getting a nice settlement check coming thru soon, which will go on another car! I have been searching the past couple of weeks, but so far they're all too expensive and not as good as mine was.
What else is new?
Lis. Yes, it's taken a while (6 weeks) but I've finally gotten used to her and T going out. Probably cos I feel like I know her quite well now. She might disagree... who knows? Obviously not me, if I don't know her very well :)
But yeah. She's cool.
What else? Maria is just Maria, or maybe Brian (btw, all these people have blogs, I just don't know how to link to them in the post!) Loz is fab x, T is happy! He's not quite at the cheery stage yet. ;)
Maybe not for a while. Watch this space (end private joke)
Yes, we sang the lyrics "Cos I'm so happy" - from the Happy Song, at church yesterday morning. *Shudder*
It's a good song until that bit!
I have exams in 3 weeks.
I really need to start revising for those soon, or it will be messy.
I think that covers most things. Now on to my weekend.
Lis and T have been doing naughty things. These naughty things however are not what you may assume. You should never ASSUME! In fact, these naughty things involve me.
You see, they are playing Cilla, together. With my fragile heart.
At first it was funny and I took no notice. I'm not one of these people who go crazy about not having a girl friend. If there's no one I like, then that's fine by me.
But these two have been dropping little hints here and there about 'Dani' (not here real name btw, and I would use a man's name for a women like usual, but she may read this blog one day!)
Anyway. At first I didn't really care. Had all my excuses lined up such as 'Too much going on at the moment.' And, 'No car'. :P
But Lis, who lives with Dani, kept dropping hints to Dani too. And then told me that Dani wanted to meet me. Well, what could I do? Except go round Lisa's.
I'd been fed all the relevent info too:
"She's got an amazing voice"
"She's really beautiful"
And so my interest levels went up and on Saturday, I saw her for the first time. And they were right.
T said I was "assessing" her, when he was dropping me home, which I found quite funny! Trust Trist to use an expression like that! And apparently she was singing a set of songs the next day.
So Lis dragged me along to hear 'Dani' sing.
And yeah. They were right again.
A woman who can sing and is v.v.pretty... hmm.
I suppose you want to know how this story ends.
Unfortunatly, I want to know more than you.
So until next time dear readers. Take care
Nothing actually.
So... an update. As all my fellow readers are aware, for the past few months (ie: posts) I've been talking about my car/s a lot.
To sum up. Boy borrows friends car. Gives it back. Boy buys car. Crashes it. Boy gets insurance to pay out for written off car.
So I should be getting a nice settlement check coming thru soon, which will go on another car! I have been searching the past couple of weeks, but so far they're all too expensive and not as good as mine was.
What else is new?
Lis. Yes, it's taken a while (6 weeks) but I've finally gotten used to her and T going out. Probably cos I feel like I know her quite well now. She might disagree... who knows? Obviously not me, if I don't know her very well :)
But yeah. She's cool.
What else? Maria is just Maria, or maybe Brian (btw, all these people have blogs, I just don't know how to link to them in the post!) Loz is fab x, T is happy! He's not quite at the cheery stage yet. ;)
Maybe not for a while. Watch this space (end private joke)
Yes, we sang the lyrics "Cos I'm so happy" - from the Happy Song, at church yesterday morning. *Shudder*
It's a good song until that bit!
I have exams in 3 weeks.
I really need to start revising for those soon, or it will be messy.
I think that covers most things. Now on to my weekend.
Lis and T have been doing naughty things. These naughty things however are not what you may assume. You should never ASSUME! In fact, these naughty things involve me.
You see, they are playing Cilla, together. With my fragile heart.
At first it was funny and I took no notice. I'm not one of these people who go crazy about not having a girl friend. If there's no one I like, then that's fine by me.
But these two have been dropping little hints here and there about 'Dani' (not here real name btw, and I would use a man's name for a women like usual, but she may read this blog one day!)
Anyway. At first I didn't really care. Had all my excuses lined up such as 'Too much going on at the moment.' And, 'No car'. :P
But Lis, who lives with Dani, kept dropping hints to Dani too. And then told me that Dani wanted to meet me. Well, what could I do? Except go round Lisa's.
I'd been fed all the relevent info too:
"She's got an amazing voice"
"She's really beautiful"
And so my interest levels went up and on Saturday, I saw her for the first time. And they were right.
T said I was "assessing" her, when he was dropping me home, which I found quite funny! Trust Trist to use an expression like that! And apparently she was singing a set of songs the next day.
So Lis dragged me along to hear 'Dani' sing.
And yeah. They were right again.
A woman who can sing and is v.v.pretty... hmm.
I suppose you want to know how this story ends.
Unfortunatly, I want to know more than you.
So until next time dear readers. Take care